Membership Classifications
- Active Members – Active members shall include Fire Chiefs, Chief Officers, or their designated member(s) of formally organized active fire departments, fire districts, and recognized city, town, county, state, federal, tribal Emergency Management, fire or industrial fire brigade agencies within Northeastern Arizona and specifically within Navajo and Apache Counties. Such person shall become a member upon: (1) filing with the Association an application for membership
- Affiliate Members – Affiliate Members shall be non-voting members and shall include Chief Officers and administrators of fire departments and fire districts from outside Northeastern Arizona and recognized private agencies within Northeastern Arizona whose officers are engaged in the protection of life and property from fire or who are interested in issues of fire protection or emergency medical service delivery. Affiliate members shall also include Northland Pioneer College (NPC) and the Northern Arizona Training Center (NATC). Affiliate members are entitled to participate in discussion, sit on committees (but not chair), and speak to motions but will not be able to vote or make motions. Such person shall become a member upon: (1) filing with the Association an application for membership
- Associate Members – Associate members shall be non-voting members and may include owners, salespersons, or other employees of firms who supply services or material to the fire service. Associate members may share information at the request of the chair, may be invited as “technical experts” for committee work, and speak to motions. Such person shall become a member upon: (1) filing with the Association an application for membership
- Honorary Members – Honorary members shall be non-voting members and include people who have benefited the fire service in general and preferably the Association. The membership is recognition of the assistance rendered and may include members of the general public, politicians and retired fire service professionals. The honorary membership shall be determined by a majority vote of the “active” members.